
How can you transcend stress and anxiety?

How can you transcend stress and anxiety?

Accumulated stress makes your physical body vulnerable to bacteria, viruses, and infections. It also makes us susceptible to mental health issues. To get back into the body and reconnect your energy circuitry, you need to learn pragmatic practices of relaxing and allowing the energy in the situation to move you emotionally or physically.

Leveraging Love to Awaken Yourself

Leveraging Love to Awaken Yourself

Look into a mirror, or look within. How do you see yourself?

Most of us feel a sense of disappointment when we notice the imperfections in our bodies and the quirks of our psyche. We often feel as though we are secondary characters in others’ worlds, that we are not good enough to be the heroes and heroines we yearn for in the world around us.

We are living our lives cautiously from the sidelines.

Stop Trying to Have a Great Sex Life

Stop Trying to Have a Great Sex Life

Most of us compare ourselves to fictional ideas of what great relationships look like. For example, reality shows portray elements of relationships that can stimulate FOMO. Once this anxiety is stirred, and we base relationship goals on fears of missing out on something we believe others are getting, we can become like an addict perpetually chasing a high.

This is not a conscious decision; it stems from a lack of strong role models or healthy communities from which we can learn our true untapped potential within intimacy.

When we make comparisons, our inner motivation for intimacy arises – primarily out of FOMO. This fear of missing out is a disconnection and a sense of moving away from our center.

The Difference Between a High Libido and Being a Masterful Lover

The Difference Between a High Libido and Being a Masterful Lover

It's a wonderful thing to have a high libido. The best way to stay active your whole life is to appreciate and keep adding fuel to this erotic fire within you.

The problem is, we are only feeding it kindling continually instead of putting a big hefty oak log on it and allowing the massive coals and embers to build so you can stay up all night, warm with the lingering heat.

We’re missing out on something in our sexual lives–we don’t realize what that fire can be fanned into if we nourish it properly.

It can go places much deeper and longer-lasting than we’ve ever experienced before.

How to Become the Person She Fantasizes About

How to Become the Person She Fantasizes About

Bodies cannot forget the deepest intimate experience they have had. Peak experiences leave a deep neurological memory in mind, heart, and body.

Within immersive sexual experiences there is a sense of being out of control that allows us to lose our judgemental, socially-normative public persona. What we want in intimacy is radically more than what we have every day - we yearn for something that is real, that shocks us and rips us open.

Core to all sexual yoga work is that there is a bit of sexual karma that we want to experience and unwind-there's a hunger and a craving that each of us has that is unique.

For women, in particular, they hold intrinsic knowledge that their bodies have a hell of a lot of pleasure capacity if they could just find the key to get it open and fan this glowing spark into a flame. Once they have had a peak pleasure experience, they find it hard to not compare future experiences to their deepest body memories.

So, with this all in mind, I’d like to touch on some ways how you can become the person your partner fantasizes about.