What is Living Tantra?

The one thing that weaves through everything in the universe is consciousness. It is the thread of continuity unifying all. To witness and identify the explicit, self-arising quality of life is to touch upon this deep truth. 

Consciousness is what the fabric of reality is actually made of.

We appear as but single threads woven through this vast fabric of consciousness, and because we are made of the same stuff as the rest of this material of reality, we can know the rest as consciousness. To realize and deeply understand this fact allows us to transcend the apparent duality of subjectivity and objectivity at the root of any feelings of separation from all.

At the core, I am describing a practice of seeing how polar opposites are sensually one. The energy exchange between opposites is the source and structure of creation itself. The felt cycle of life and death arises from this shifting positionality. 

The tantra I draw upon in my spiritual practice leads to recognizing the true nature of reality itself.: the awesome consciousness which is the very fabric of all that is known. Learning to work with this reality liberates tremendous energy as freedom. Limitations are transcended through the honesty of unbiased not-knowing. 

Reality just is. 

The cause of reality is everything else in the universe. All is connected through this unchangeable root source. Therefore, living tantra is learning how to live under this truth and do so artfully in a way that acknowledges our inseparable connection to all of life by self-locating the consciousness at the root of all beings. 

Sometimes, when you’re at a certain point in life, you can see the futility of opinions and beliefs. You are compelled beyond yourself to work with what’s right in front of you — your pragmatic visceral experience. This is what living tantra is about – working with the reality that's already happening and finding freedom within the midst of that. By locating the stable place of peace within, you can recognize the emotional vibrancy of life itself as bliss.

But how can you enter into a profoundly authentic, transparent relationship with your visceral reactivity? In doing so, how can you transcend reactivity and turn it into a tantric tool? How can you use it as a means to create genuine magic in this world? Magic rooted in compassion which can touch, move, and motivate people using their inner language from which they're continually reacting to, withdrawing from, and thereby amplifying their suffering.

You aren’t expected to trust things you haven’t experienced

Within masculine beings, their intrinsic root being is a source of deep peace. Resting in depth as free open awareness becomes the ultimate yogic practice. The act of doing this is love itself. No one is excluded, as the unity of all is clearly known and experienced as truth. This is the clear light of consciousness—cleansed and liberated from the self-referrring “I” thought.

If this seems too good to be true, that’s correct. It pays not to trust something until you have personal, tacit knowledge of it. Instead of resting upon belief or someone else's word, find out yourself through personal experience. It’s up to you to live the experiment, whereby you fully embody the results. This makes it your realization. You will know it as reality in your bones. It will be self-evident, and your realization will affect and bless all that you come into contact with.

So come join us.

Learn in the company of other men, committed to living in connection to the deep source of universal truth. My upcoming program, Living Tantra for men, draws upon powerful ancient and modern tantric texts. You’ll be led into practical challenges that will reveal these truths' application, and you will acquire tacit personal experience of truth as it is. 

Living Tantra for Men is a 5-month program for men in which I will coach you through applying what you have learned at Ascending the Sacred Mountain Men’s Retreat and in past men’s programs, thus deepening your practice into a living tantra – remaining open as free awareness no matter what arises; moving forward living your purpose.

Become one of the men modeling the solution for others – authentic masculine leadership, not from a place of artificially projected power, but as the profound embodiment of love and consciousness itself. 

Learn more here.